Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No pictures today but I did want to make a post, just in case someone is actually reading these. I follow along with a few other blogs (I hope to make a list one of these days) and a few of those women have a thing going on for a few months about making one small change for the for the good of the earth. My change for February was to make sure that we always bring our clothe bags with us for shopping...not just to the market but to regular stores as well...I even made a clothe bag for produce in the market (I have to make a few more) is amazing how many plastic, as well as, paper bags, I am not bringing home anymore...even have Barry doing it (most times). My small change for March is to remember to shut off lights in rooms that we are not actually in...I have been very bad with this lately and so I think this will be a good change for us.
So, on another note, I am off to Florida with my daughter and two grand see my Dad. I will be back in a week, hopefully with some wonderful pictures. Till then my friends...

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